Post by bossman on Jan 16, 2003 7:08:38 GMT -5
I'd also just like to pay my respects to maurice. regardless if you liked his music or not, he gave millions of ppl happiness with his music just like Johnny and Dee Dee, Joe strummer, the list goes on
When the Boss goes, i'd be devasted
Post by josha on Jan 16, 2003 9:42:38 GMT -5
[glow=red,2,300]BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA who gives a?[/glow] doubtful that you've been to cabramatta, parramatta, leichhardt or bur wood wog? you know your shit when dudley bags you dickface ps. i like you dudley
Post by everlong on Jan 16, 2003 9:49:13 GMT -5
you know your shit when dudley bags you dickface ps. i like you dudley What do your parents think about your 'drug' habits?
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the fresh prince
Posts: 2
Post by freddy on Jan 16, 2003 12:05:35 GMT -5
i second that
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i guess im not so average after all
Posts: 135
Post by Lucmeister on Jan 16, 2003 12:29:44 GMT -5
;Dhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahah...ha....ha.ha. ;D
Post by criminally vulgar on Jan 16, 2003 18:42:17 GMT -5
slit your throat please.
Post by everlong on Jan 16, 2003 19:01:15 GMT -5
Post by josha on Jan 16, 2003 21:50:03 GMT -5
;Dhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahah...ha....ha.ha. ;D it really is pretty lame when the only person that laughs at your joke is you....
Post by michael on Jan 16, 2003 21:54:54 GMT -5
;Dhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahah...ha....ha.ha. ;D SHALLOW GRAVE...SHALLOW GRAVE!! go get yourself one.
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i guess im not so average after all
Posts: 135
Post by Lucmeister on Jan 17, 2003 1:23:19 GMT -5
while labour is in government in all other states and territories i don't think it is as much of an achievement as what happened in the nt. for 27 years the idiocies of a clp government has plagued the nt. we lost statehood because we weren't going to vote for the statehood that shane stone wanted. our health care system has been shot too shit for so long that its radiculous, salaries for ministers were out of hand, and i don't think i can be bothered listing the rest. but finally after 27 years as a community we put all our support behind labour because we knew they would be a better government, and claire martin a better chief minister. everyone one i know contributed countless hours of volunteer work towards their campaign, and it wasn't easy, resources for a government not in power are scarce, employees who are meant to be nuetral were not, and a female leader leader was easy for the clp to attack, especially when the newspaper is pro - clp. but the nt actually pulled through with some sense and put the right party in power. the first thing claire martin did was cut the salaries of her ministers, finally funding has been seen for disabled health services, community health care, and hospital upgrades, as much as it pains me pot is near impossible to buy and it has helped alot being one of the territories biggest problems right next to alcohol(although the clp government secretly supported the drug trade feeling it would pacify aboriginals). and i have faith that the nt does not regret putting labour into power, a government that actually works for us. oh and we are not our government, while the clp has at times been cruel, condescending and ignorant to aboriginal members of the community, the majority of the territory has not. besides owning 50% of our territory is probably quite a bit more than what they own elsewhere. oh and i think those of my friends and family who are aboriginal will agree that they don't give a fuck whether i say natives or traditional owners. we dont partake in the fashion of constantly changing our vocabulary, if it was a polite word last time we said it then it still is. i think you'll find the high number of fatalities is in conjunction with the rather high number of road trains that pass through our roads, this does not mean we don't have the best roads. it is currently part of those six months that are hot and sticky, and i love it, you should see how our trees flourish in this weather, bike riding is fantastic for the sights you see, and it is actually quite cool at times from the rain. the other half of the time it just means that everyone gets around in bathers all day and drinks beer. enough of us are environmentally aware, we don't clean up australia once a year, i spend half my time at nightcliff reef studying marine life there and remove anything i find while im there, and all i have to do is look to my left or right to see someone else doing the same. and i apologise for my mistake about the number of McDonald's we have, you are right, i was only counting those in darwin. by the way i don't hate you
Post by josha on Jan 17, 2003 1:52:29 GMT -5
what the fuck, thanks for your fucking life story dickwasher
Post by everlong on Jan 17, 2003 3:12:26 GMT -5
I don't like what this thread has become. I don't have a screen big enough to accompany all the text. Maybe I should invest in such a monitor that does serve such a hefty requirement. Yeah, long screen posts suck.
Post by Enis on Jan 17, 2003 3:47:36 GMT -5
yeah, now it's all about leaving the toilet seat up, who's turn is it to do the washing up and what colour to paint the nursery. (I say yellow). I say blue And lupty come to parra open your mouth there and I dont see you lasting 10 minutes.
Post by slushpup on Jan 17, 2003 5:02:22 GMT -5
with all this talk of places to live, i gotta say that after seeing Bowling For Columbine (michael moore is my hero canada seems like the coolest place to live, it really does. everyone go see that movie....its brilliant.
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i guess im not so average after all
Posts: 135
Post by Lucmeister on Jan 17, 2003 12:01:31 GMT -5
i could spend so long regurgitating the same shit again in response to your post rollergirl but i can't be bothered, no one wants to hear it. even i don't. thanks for the kind words. so i leave you with this and i shall never return to this thread yehaaw! the nt rocks!!! p.s there are much better watering holes than this one, i just like the pic