Post by violently_happy on Oct 3, 2001 4:48:25 GMT -5
im in a sad mood for no reason, try to inspire it:: what makes you happy?
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Posts: 177
Post by shep82 on Oct 3, 2001 5:01:10 GMT -5
man, u must be so bored.......i know how u feel
(hmm.......now off to reply to tha rest of the new threads u made in the last 5mins)
Post by violently_happy on Oct 3, 2001 5:12:46 GMT -5
man, u must be so bored.......i know how u feel (hmm.......now off to reply to tha rest of the new threads u made in the last 5mins) lol yep but you didnt reply.... what makes you happy my friend who im kindve ignoring just showed a random act of kindness knowing im upset at her... i know i need to keep shitty for a bit longer but its too hard ... i actually think im hateing being a bitch for once...... go figure *music *diet coke *random acts of kindness *full moon *and being home alone..... see i should be happy i have it all... im sure kevin could cheer me up... though not on my cd player..
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Posts: 177
Post by shep82 on Oct 3, 2001 5:17:21 GMT -5
ah, nothin makes u happy when ur down, but to get all ur hate out makes u feel better.....and when ur better, u can be happy that ur better...
u need some good hardcore punk action......listen to some raised fist
Post by violently_happy on Oct 3, 2001 5:45:34 GMT -5
ah, nothin makes u happy when ur down, but to get all ur hate out makes u feel better.....and when ur better, u can be happy that ur better... u need some good hardcore punk action......listen to some raised fist im listening to tura santana, negetive creep not exactly punk actiaon but i think she has more anger so it makes you feel better... or maybe it makes you feel secure. like someone else does feel the way you do ... the lyrics as of right now "cunt (female voice,) prik (female) bitch (male) bad mother fucker (by both).... *sigh* im not that bored just feel like rambling talking and noones on..
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Posts: 177
Post by shep82 on Oct 3, 2001 6:06:55 GMT -5
ah, i gotta get me some of that!
raised fist isn't as much swearin'......i think.....i can't make out most of the words......but it's 100% all screamin..... ;D
Post by Bree To Blame on Oct 3, 2001 6:16:27 GMT -5
Well I have a list, so here goes. Although I think there are more things that make me sad... anyway:
*watching the stars *being front row at your fave bands gig *hanging out with muso's who know you. *hanging out with muso's who are willing to share their riders! *sing alongs at friends houses after gigs. *dancing to daggy music whilst drunk. *Red Bull - lol - yay caffeine! *my dog. *finishing a painting. *getting cartoons published. *drifting around the city at night - its beautiful and quiet - like having the city to yourself.
Post by Jess on Oct 3, 2001 9:17:53 GMT -5
What makes me happy?
- Going outside when everyone else is asleep and looking at the stars. - Waiting forever so that you can be front row for your favourite band, and finally having them come out on stage and just blow you away. - When no-one else is home, putting on a favourite CD and turning it up as loud as possible.
What doesn't make me happy?
- When you're outside and looking at the stars and your dog runs up behind you and scares the shit out of ya. - When you've waited forever for the front row of your fav band only to be knocked unconcious 2 songs into the set. (Sad, true story!) - When the neighbours come over and complain and yell at you to "Turn that fucking shit off!"
~ Jess
Post by josha on Oct 3, 2001 9:43:33 GMT -5
Well the mainest thing that makes me happy is writing lyrics taht actually have came from why im unhappy that kinda cures it............ other stufft hat makes me happy is my copy of jebs songs that have meaningful lyrics on it liek fett touch teh ground, La di da da(this is actually wirtten awesomely) spoil thge show, teh lesss trusted pain remover and others or jsut looking up at teh stars and thinking, these usually cure me
Post by Bree To Blame on Oct 3, 2001 10:10:23 GMT -5
Well the mainest thing that makes me happy is writing lyrics taht actually have came from why im unhappy that kinda cures it............ other stufft hat makes me happy is my copy of jebs songs that have meaningful lyrics on it liek fett touch teh ground, La di da da(this is actually wirtten awesomely) spoil thge show, teh lesss trusted pain remover and others or jsut looking up at teh stars and thinking, these usually cure me JOSHA!! speak English!! damnit man! lol - try sober typing next time maybe? lol - we still love ya.
Post by violently_happy on Oct 3, 2001 19:36:23 GMT -5
i love the stars.. i forgot about them..ive only slept one night under the satrs and it was on the beach with friends and we saw like 20 falling stars... caept all these old man fisherman came and we were scared that we were going to get raped but we didnt so yea im rambling... *sugar *sunshine (i think i got sunburnt..) *my kitty cat *drinkin *front row (wihtout being knocked unconcious poor you...) i got a black eye when i saw unwritten law but i stayed in the front row and i got like star attantion cause i was hurted all the guys around me backed away heaps and i wasnt even getting pushed and in the front row centre and i got drink bottles and set lists from all the bands:bodyjar, klinger and unwritten law... i was a happy camper.. cept i looked like a freak cause i got a really bad black eye, but im kinda glad... and the security guy from up the front picked up all the change from the stage divers falling outve their pockets and gave it to me.... hehehe... that makes me happy too
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Posts: 98
Post by Sarah on Oct 3, 2001 20:52:38 GMT -5
Playing my guitar listening to music (especially roll credit SFK and Leaving Home Jebs for some reason they make me really happy? :-)) eating ice cream seeing a live gig!
Post by Bree To Blame on Oct 4, 2001 1:20:23 GMT -5
i love the stars.. i forgot about them..ive only slept one night under the satrs and it was on the beach with friends and we saw like 20 falling stars... I remember when I was up north of W.A. in a little caravan by the ocean, with 5 of my best mates. we went for the weekend. on our last nite, the power went out so instead of carrying on our game of Trivial Pursuit by torchlight, we decided to go down on the beach. Because it was out in the middle of nowhere, hence no pollution, there looked like there were literally millions of stars as far as the eye could see. Stars we had never seen before. Truly one of my most happiest nights.
Post by paintbrushes on Oct 4, 2001 4:45:14 GMT -5
*being able to relate to someone and being able to 'click' with something/someone/anything. *music - although it does get me depressed sometimes its also good in a way, id have no life if it werent for music. *the *fuzzy* feeling i get at gigs... its hard to explain, but its when yew just get taken in by the music and time freezes and it feels like its just yew and the band there and even they are frozen but the music still comes out. and when yew can feel the bass coming thru yer feet is so good too. *meeting new people - like here! i like this place. yew all rock. *watching stars, especially when im running home from the beach at like 2am and no one is around and i have my walkman blasting and i can run anywhere i want and not have to worry about where im going and i can watch the stars the whole time.
Post by apple gerl on Oct 4, 2001 10:08:14 GMT -5
wat makes me happy. hmm. - wen yew see a band that yew really love. and its just amazing. and yew cant look awya and it just feels super. - listening to some music. ie: fer me, its less trusted pain remover. strikes a chord in me, i guess yew could say, because every time i hear it im like 'owh that was so beautiful' and get all emotional. grr. that song makes me cry occasionally..boo - sleeping outside at nite wen the weathers warm. i like it wen its hot and stars are pretty. - seeing my friends. my indie frends make me so happy. - writing. i love writing. rambling shit, letters, songs, poems, reviews, articles, interviews, watever, i love it. - watching the simpsons